Discover all the latest news from the world of boxing.
Diferencias entre Vendajes Elásticos y de Algodón para Boxeo: ¿Cuál te Conviene?
Differences between Elastic and Cotton Bandages for Boxing: Which one is right for you?

In the world of boxing, hand wraps are essential to protect your wrists, knuckles and ligaments during every workout or bout. Cotton and elastic bandages are the two main options, but which one is best for you?

Cómo Cuidar y Limpiar tus Guantes de Boxeo para Prolongar su Vida Útil
How to Care for and Clean your Boxing Gloves to Extend their Useful Life
At Buddha Sports we know how important it is to take care of every piece of your equipment, and boxing gloves are no exception. Keeping them clean and in good...
La Importancia de las Botas de Boxeo en tu Rendimiento: Guía para Principiantes
The Importance of Boxing Boots in your Performance: A Beginner's Guide

The boxing boots are an essential part of your equipment, designed specifically to protect your feet, improve your agility and enhance your performance in the ring. Whether you're a beginner or looking to optimize your training, this guide will help you understand the relevance of this footwear, its benefits and how to choose the perfect pair.

Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson: The Legend Who Redefined Boxing
Mike Tyson is not just a name, he is a symbol of power, technique and achievement in the world of boxing. From his youth in Brooklyn to becoming the youngest...
Ilia Topuria
Ilia Topuria: The Star That Puts Spain at the Top of the UFC
In the mixed martial arts (MMA) mixed martial arts (MMA)Ilia Topuria, known as The Matadorhas achieved something that seemed impossible: bring Spain to the throne of the UFC.. This Spanish-Georgian...
Ser Mayorista en Buddha Fight Wear
Be a Wholesaler at Buddha Fight Wear
Do you want to be part of the brand? First of all, thank you for your interest in becoming a Wholesaler at Buddha. We have been serving wholesale clients, stores...